Streamline Operations With ILOG
Manufacturing companies today face significant changes to their business models -- as well as tough, global competition. It's never been more important to innovate. Most manufacturing applications just aren't up to the task.
Improve planning and scheduling with ILOG technology. ILOG can help you streamline operations with a range of custom solutions or bolt-on applications. In fact, we might be helping you already through one of our many software partners. Leading ERP and supply chain vendors worldwide use ILOG technology to plan or schedule core processes like supply network design, procurement, planning, scheduling and inventory control.
Accomplish key objectives
Manufacturers move beyond traditional goals with ILOG-based solutions:
- Integrate planning and scheduling
- Reschedule operations
- Monitor inventories
- Manage fluctuating demand
- Reduce cycle time
- Increase plant utilization
- Understand profitability
Deploy the right solutions
Companies improve every step of manufacturing with ILOG-based solutions:
- Procurement and supply
- Planning and scheduling
- Business process management
- Order fulfillment
- Sourcing
- Supply-chain event management
- Network design
- Inventory control
Technology that copes with rapid change
According to AMR Research, "Traditional SCM deals poorly with rapid change ... a new set of products and integration capabilities is needed to address this issue."
ILOG technology gives you the tools you need to anticipate and react:
- Granularity to model feasible plans and high-quality solutions
- Scheduling precision (by the minute, instead of by the hour)
- Coverage of process manufacturing's specific requirements
- Operational metrics and trend analysis
- Integrated planning and scheduling
- interactivity and flexibility for "what-if" analysis and scenario comparison
- Ability to make decisions based on data in multiple systems
Choose from three ILOG technologies to meet your specific manufacturing requirements: ILOG's PowerOps applications, Business Rule Management System and Optimization Decision Management System.
PowerOps applications
Achieve dramatic improvements in operating efficiency, customer service and understanding of KPI trends and drivers. ILOG PowerOps applications are based on a breakthrough combination of optimization, visualization and business rule technologies.
PowerOps applications include the most sophisticated optimization models ever built for production planning and detailed scheduling. Best of all, they bolt right onto your existing ERP, SCM, MES or TMS application:
ILOG's Business Rule Management System (BRMS)
Develop decision-making rule services that can drive transactional decision making in any process. Combined with BPM services, ILOG's Business Rule Management System (BRMS) is a key component in modern IT architecture. It provides your enterprise with an intelligent process that can be easily modified.
Rule services drive drive fine-grained decision-making in order configuration, order fulfillment, quality management, customer service, procurement, supplier management and compliance. They can support decision-making in custom applications, or function as lightweight services supporting primary transaction applications.
ILOG maintains partnerships and proven integrations with most of the leading BPM providers, including IBM, BEA, Oracle, Fujitsu, FileNet and others.
ILOG's Optimization Decision Management System (ODMS)
You don't need mathematicians on staff be able to build cutting-edge optimization applications Solve any complex planning, scheduling or pricing problem with ILOG's Optimization Decision Management System (ODMS).
ILOG ODMS helps you build custom applications that incorporate state-of-the-art visual displays of input data, solutions and KPIs. Not only does ILOG possess the most widely used and most powerful optimization tools and engines -- we also have a Professional Services organization that knows how to use them.
Numerous ILOG consultants hold masters and PhD degrees in operations research and applied mathematics. Over 80 Global 2000 manufacturing companies use ILOG optimization technology in their custom planning-and-scheduling applications. Many of those companies developed their applications with assistance from ILOG consultants.