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Business process management  
Ready-to-use symbology
Swing-based architecture
Customizable look-and-feel
Advanced editing
Real-time updates
Flexible thin client support
Rapid integration
Supporting industry standards
Business process management (BPM) systems help e-business software manage business processes more efficiently. ILOG JViews Diagrammer provides a comprehensive set of components for building business process modelers and real-time monitor displays, allowing developers to bring flexible systems to market quickly. Diagrammer is the first graphics toolkit to support
Business Process Modeling Notation.

       BPMN Modeler.
Click to enlarge (opens a new window).

Advanced displays
ILOG JViews Diagrammer features powerful tools for creating state-of-the-art interfaces, including predefined workflow icons; smart diagramming capabilities; real-time screen-element animation; and a complete set of editing functions. With JViews Diagrammer, Java developers can create a new class of interfaces, including advanced workflow modelers, executive dashboards and administrator screens.

Faster development, higher performance
ILOG JViews Diagrammer�s prebuilt and pretested components can cut development time by at least one-third. Open and extensible architecture ensures scalability and performance. Flexibility is assured as well -- the package can be deployed across a full range of Java and thin clients.

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  • White Paper: JViews for BPM Visualization (PDF, 1.3 MB)
    When tools have better interfaces, business users are more effective throughout the process life cycle -- from process definition to monitoring to performance analysis. This paper explains how ILOG JViews helps developers create intuitive interfaces. Learn about relevant features and the technology behind them. See how easily JViews products can be integrated into leading BPM solutions.

Ready-to-use symbology
Prebuilt graphic objects depict standard workflow elements like tasks, participants, and connections. Ready to use, objects can easily be tailored or extended. Java 2 drawing capabilities offer rendering features like transparency, color gradient, and anti-aliasing.

Swing-based architecture
ILOG JViews Diagrammer�s model view controller (MVC) architecture is familiar to Java Swing developers, displaying workflow data and allowing developers to connect data models to underlying real-world objects. When data changes, views are automatically updated. Similarly, when the user edits a data display, the model is automatically updated.

Customizable look-and-feel
To create a completely new look-and-feel, developers need only define a cascading style sheet (CSS). Custom CSS files can be delivered for each workflow customer, and can even be modified by end-users.

Advanced editing
A full-featured editor, Workflow Modeler, defines business processes in a highly graphical, intuitive manner. Workflow Modeler offers:

  • Drag-and-drop editing
  • Predefined palettes with graphics that represent workflow tasks and participants
  • Connection tools for linking tasks
  • Process and subprocess representation (with expand/collapse functions)
  • Smart diagram-layout algorithms for automatically rearranging workflow elements into the most meaningful representations
  • Property editors
  • Complete set of editing tools, including cut-and-paste, selection, zooming-and-panning, and printing

  • XML input and output

  • Complete editor source code, for altering look-and-feel and custom connections to back-end processes

Real-time updates
Whenever data changes, events are automatically propagated to the corresponding displays. Based on the triggering events, on-screen elements can change color, shape, icon, label, or similar characteristics -- an essential feature for simulation and monitoring displays.

Flexible thin client support
Displays can be deployed in a variety of ways. Traditional Java applets and applications are best suited for highly interactive tasks like workflow modeling. For workflow monitoring or administration, a thin client approach may work best. ILOG JViews Diagrammer supports both DHTML clients and scalable vector graphics (SVG), as well as the traditional Java clients.

Rapid integration
To populate itself, the data model reads workflow-definition XML files by default. The data model's API can connect to any data source, like an application server, database, or custom connection. Provided as a set of ready-to-use Pure Java components, the package also contains a comprehensive Java API that allows developers full "under the cover" access. ILOG JViews Diagrammer can be used with any interactive development environment, and alongside any other Java interface component.

Supporting industry standards
ILOG is an active part of the workflow community, working to ensure that industry standards protect technology investments. As a member of the Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) and the Workflow Management Coalition (WFMC), ILOG is helping to develop and promote standards for software terminology, interoperability and connectivity between workflow products.

Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a new standard that helps analysts and developers model business processes. Once a BPMN-enabled solution is deployed, users have greater visibility, collaboration and control over business processes. The first graphics toolkit to support BPMN, ILOG JViews Diagrammer makes it easier for companies to adopt the standard quickly.

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Customer Spotlight
  "Aspen's leading eSupply Chain and e-business software, combined with ILOG's superior graphical user interface technology, make it easier for our customers to quickly and accurately share and act on real-time knowledge gained throughout the extended value chain."  
  Steve Williams
VP Product Development
Aspen Technologies
January 2001
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