AMPL® is a comprehensive, powerful
and flexible algebraic modeling language for the linear, nonlinear and integer
programming problems often encountered in optimization. ILOG is an authorized reseller of AMPL, which was developed
at Bell Laboratories, the research and development
arm of Lucent Technologies. ILOG offers AMPL in two ways:
Detailed information about AMPL can be found at the AMPL
website, maintained by AMPL developers.
AMPL is based upon modern modeling principles and utilizes an advanced architecture
providing flexibility most other modeling systems lack. Successfully used in
demanding mathematical programming modeling applications around the world, AMPL
is available from ILOG on a variety of platforms.
AMPL allows modelers to create models with maximum productivity. By
using AMPL's natural algebraic notation, even a very large, complex model
can often be stated in a concise (often less than one page), understandable
form. Since AMPL models are easy to understand, debug and modify, AMPL
also makes maintaining models easy.
- Allows users to express models concisely in familiar, flexible algebraic
- Using indexing and sets, whole classes of constraints or objective terms
can be described in relatively few generalized model statements
- Supports a wide variety of natural algebraic expressions
- Allows separation of model and data
- Highly flexible-for example, does not impose any particular data or model
entry order
- May be used in interactive or batch environments
- Allows models to be easily modified and maintained:
- Sets, variables and constraints can be readily added, changed or deleted
- Separate data files can be readily updated, or imported from outside
data sources
- External databases can be easily connected into AMPL tables
- ILOG offers ODBC database support on Microsoft Windows platforms
- Minimizes modeling errors with extensive error checking:
- Checks model syntax and consistency
- Closely checks validity of subscripts
- Covers most optimization model types:
- Linear programming problems
- Network problems
- Mixed integer programming problems
- Quadratic programming problems
- General nonlinear programming problems
- Provides powerful, flexible display options:
- Permits interactive data and solution browsing
- Allows the creation of customized solution reporting
ILOG support for AMPL
Users purchasing AMPL or AMPL CPLEX System from ILOG receive the following
- The book AMPL:
A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming, by Fourer, Gay and
- The document "ILOG AMPL CPLEX System User's Guide," indicating how to install
and use AMPL with CPLEX
- The document "AMPL Syntax Update," describing the syntax changes
to AMPL since the publication of the original AMPL book
ILOG provides support and maintenance services for AMPL when AMPL is used in
conjunction with any ILOG CPLEX
product. While AMPL can be used with other solvers, ILOG does not provide support
for such usage.
ILOG offers training for AMPL. A course syllabus is available.
AMPL/CPLEX Student Edition
A student/trial edition of the AMPL CPLEX System is available for
free download from the Web.
How to get AMPL from ILOG
To obtain AMPL from ILOG, contact ILOG Direct at:
ILOG Contact Center
Toll free: 800.FOR.ILOG (800.367.4564)
Telephone: 775.831.7744