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ILOG JViews BPMN Modeler  

Model, Generate and Share Your Business Processes

Improve the understanding and communication of your business processes, even those that are complex. ILOG JViews BPMN Modeler is a FREE application that uses the simple, standardized Business Process Management Notation (BPMN).

Generate XML code that can be shared and used by many applications. And it's FREE!

Download the following BPMN data files to try out the BPMN Modeler:

Based on the BPM Notation standard
Automatic diagram layout
Read/write XML data
Start sharing:
Save process files as XML
Invite your colleagues to download
ILOG JViews BPMN Modeler
Send XML files or post them on a server

Java version 1.4 or 1.5 need to be installed before downloading:


  Download BPMN examples

       ILOG JViews BPMN Modeler.
Click to enlarge (opens a new window).

Enhance collaboration with ILOG JViews BPMN Modeler
BPMN Modeler is based on the standard, most widely used notation for expressing processes graphically. The application includes features like an automatic layout service that can arrange complex business process diagrams so they are clear and readable – even after many editing iterations.

Developed using ILOG JViews Diagrammer
ILOG JViews BPMN Modeler was built with the industry's leading Java component for developing applications that need to edit or display any diagram: ILOG JViews Diagrammer. It includes advanced, time-saving capabilities such as graph layout algorithms for placing nodes and routing links, custom animated symbols for representing corporate assets and map backgrounds for placing geo-referenced assets.

Have a custom application that requires diagramming?
ILOG JViews Diagrammer makes development extremely fast and easy. Send your IT staff to the homepage to see feature lists, try demos, download an eval and more.

Download ILOG JViews BPMN Modeler
Start modeling your business processes with BPMN. Save the processes as XML so that you can share them or include them in other applications. ILOG JViews BPMN Modeler is FREE!
To download, simply complete the short form below:  

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Try ILOG JViews Diagrammer
Makes developing diagram-intensive applications fast and easy. Handles:
    Business process modelers & viewers
    Organization diagrams
    Networks of assets
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