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Technology leadership  

ILOG began life as a technology leader when it pioneered the first commercially available software components. Since then, ILOG products have continued to break ground, unveiling innovations with each new release.

Legacy of leadership
Founded in 1987, ILOG was started by some of the world's leading experts in object technology. Object-oriented programming has since grown in significance, present in developments like the Java programming language and the World Wide Web. Years before Java, ILOG researchers built the first virtual machine, based on their own object-oriented version of the LISP language. ILOG scientists also designed the world's first GUI builder, MASAI.

ILOG has long been at the forefront of algorithm development, creating the world's most computationally demanding mathematical programming engines. ILOG CPLEX math programming solvers use algorithms that left behind scientific literature a decade ago, becoming over a thousand times faster in fewer than 10 years.

Beyond the cutting edge
Today, ILOG actively supports important standards like Java, SVG and XML. Looking ahead, ILOG is helping define tomorrow's standards through collaboration with prestigious organizations like the World Wide Web Consortium, the High Dependability Computing Consortium, the International Standards Organization, the Open GIS Consortium, the Java Community Process, the Tele-Management Forum, the GUI Group and the ODSI Interoperability Group.

People who define their disciplines
With over 30 PhDs on staff, ILOG people represent some of the best minds in their fields. Their work is regularly featured and discussed at key technology conferences worldwide. ILOG researchers and engineers also participate in critical development activities that help advance science and industry.

Robert E. Bixby
The president of ILOG's Technical Advisory Board helped solve the Traveling Salesman Problem, one of optimization's biggest breakthroughs.

Technology Leadership
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