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Revenue assurance: fulfillment automation  

Fast, Flexible Systems Improve Service and Efficiency

Some 70% of website customers abandon orders because the system doesn't understand their needs, or can't advise them about products or services. And even when orders are placed, some 30% can't be completed in time because they don't comply with service guidelines. Delivery costs rise and customer-service suffers, resulting in lost opportunities.

ILOG software improves the buying experience, allowing OSS/BSS systems to deliver fast, flexible solutions for order management; service provisioning and activation; automated flow through; back-end fulfillment; service modeling and configuration; and service resource management. With ILOG technology, providers can expand customer service while improving operational efficiency, finding new ways to cut costs and sell the "triple play" bundle of telecom, Internet and television.

ILOG powers lightweight, powerful fulfillment solutions that empower business users with intuitive, flexible systems. With ILOG-based solutions, operators can focus on value-added tasks like exception and jeopardy offers, instead of routine chores like order processing. Profitability improves, efficiency increases and agility is enhanced.

Next steps
Learn more about how ILOG can help you develop fulfillment systems solutions.

Seminario Trasporto Swintel e ILOG
  30 May 2006
Rome, Italy
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Customer Spotlight
  "APS is ushering in the next generation of competitive communications services, and ILOG JRules' advanced features and high performance enable APS customers to offer innovative service bundles to gain more revenue while decreasing delivering costs."  
  Phil Rimell
CTO and Cofounder
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